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[vsnet-alert 2425] Possible SN in NGC 925

Dear Supernovae Enthusiasts: 

I received this note just moments ago....
verification assistance is urgently required.



---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From:	Ian Wilson, INTERNET:irgeo@ozemail.com.au
TO:	"Steve H. Lucas", [76620,1721]
DATE:	12/9/98 1:21 PM

RE:	Possible SN in NGC 925

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Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 04:46:38 +1100 (EST)
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To: 76620.1721@compuserve.com
From: Ian Wilson <irgeo@ozemail.com.au>
Subject: Possible SN in NGC 925 

Dear Steve Lucas,

We need your help to try an confirm a very bright
supernova in NGC 925. Ron Knight discovered 
a 10 th mag possible SN approx 4.2 min south and 
2.3 west of the galaxy's nucleus at 12:05 UT 09 th
DEC 1998 - We tried getting a confimation observation 
here Australia but all sites were clouded out or 
NGC 925 was too low/just set.

Could you plase make a confimation observation
for us and then relay your confirmation to 

either :

Ian Wilson
Weipa, Queensland
Australia 4874
ph : 61 7 40699724
email : irgeo@ozemail.com.au

and Ron Knight 
        Cambroon Observatory
        Kenilworth , QLD
        Australia 4574
ph : 61 7 544 60908
as sson as possible your help would be appreciated.

P.S. Here is the e-mail we are going to send off to
Brian Marsden - all we need is a confirming 


Dear Brian Marsden,

Ian Wilson of the South East Queensland Astronomical
Society [Brisbane Australia] reports that Ron Knight of the
Cambroon Observatory, Kenilworth, Queensland, Australia
discovered a possible SN in the  galaxy NGC 925. The SN
was observed at 12:05 UT on the 9th DEC 1998 when it had
a visual magnitude of 10.5 (approx.). The SN is  located roughly
4.2 arc minutes south and 2.3 arc minutes [7.7 seconds
of time]  west of the nucleus.

Ron Knight used 290 X magnification on an 8 inch
Ultima Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope to make his
visual observations. Ron used the Thompson SN
Charts and a stored CCD image to confirm that
no star was present at the location of the SN candidate.

We have checked for :

i) movement - a subsequent observation was taken at 13:00 UT
                         on the 9th of Dec 1998 and no movement was

ii) change in brighteness - no change in apparent brighteness
                                               was observed by Ron Knight at
13:00 UT

iii) asteroids - The CFA asteroid cite was checked and no known
                          asteroids, down to 18 th magnitude, are present
                          within 30 arc minutes of NGC 925.

iv) confirmation observation

The galaxy NGC 925 is 10.5 x 5.9 arc minutes in size and so the
SN candidate is located within the galaxy proper, however, there
is always the chance that it is a forground [galactic] variable 
that appears to be superimposed on the galaxy. The brightness of the
possible SN candidate [ ~ 10.5 visual magnitude] is enough to 
warrant a report to CBAT, since SN of this brightness are relatively


Ian Wilson 

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