S5 0716+714 CCD observations urgently needed Dr. Nesci communicates: > the Italian X-ray satellite Beppo-SAX will observe S5 0716+714 on Nov. 1 1998 > from UT 7:46 to 23:18 (see BLAZAR Data News at > http://bldata.pg.infn.it/News/281098_1.html). Simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous CCD time-resolved observations (BVRI, if possible) are very urgently needed. Potential observers please contact Dr. Nesci (nesci@astroe.astro.uniroma1.it) as soon as possible. S5 0716+714 is located at 072153.2 +712035 (2000.0), and has a usual magnitude of 15. Regards, Taichi Kato