CR Boo rapidly fading CCD observations at Ouda Station has shown CR Boo is fading at a rate of 0.1mag/hour. A prerlimnary magnitude on Jan. 2.803 was V=14.88. Available data suggest outbursts of CR Boo in this phase are short-lived, bearing all characteristic of normal outbursts. Apart from slight irregularity, CR Boo has all the charateristics of hydrogen-counterpart of extreme SU UMa- type dwarf novae, ER UMa stars. Superoutbursts of CR Boo last typically 15-25 d, short, normal, outburst having amplitudes of 2-2.5 mag, with a recurrence time of ~4 d, typical supercycle of 40-45 d, and an extremely large duty cycle (40-50%) of superoutburst. These finding seems to support the theoretical model by Tsugawa (1997), an application of thermal-tidal instability models to a high mass-transfer helium disk. Observers are strongly encouraged to include this brightest helium dwarf nova as the top priority nightly targets as well as 'classical' ER UMa stars. Regards, Taichi Kato