Dear VSNET-ers, Re: expected microlensing event This will be a great event to observe. Some comments I have: The Decl. coordinate of the 'giant star' given by D Welch was different to that by Kato-san! Which one is correct? What will be the expected peak magnitude: 11, 12, 13, 14? D Welch mentions a possible peak amplification of 5: by conversion it means a gain of about 2 magnitudes at peak: max magnitude would be 14.1.... is this a correct interpretation? Regards, Berto Monard >>> Taichi Kato <> 21/August/1997 02:51pm >>> In IAUC No. 6720, the MACHO collaboration team reports a high-amplitication microlensing event just in progress. The position is: 17h 55m 28s.7 (J2000.0) -29o 38' 42" umamplified magnitude V=16.1, R=14.8 At peak (expected on Aug. 24), the object is expected to reach the brightness visible even through small-to-moderate sized telescopes. Observations are highly encouraged (with possible time resolutions to depict the peak -- which may require real-time judgement). In reporting, use the object name 97-BLG-56. For further detail, see the relevant IAUC issue. Regards, Taichi Kato