A message from J. Pietz (vsnet-obs) tells that V1028 Cyg seems to be undergoing a rare outburst as indicated by the following observation. >From: jpietz@astro.uni-bonn.de (Jochen Pietz) >Subject: [vsnet-obs 834] Possible outburst of V1028 Cyg V1028 Cyg 1995-07-28.967 12.7 According to the VSOLJ records, this star was last observed in short outburst in Sept. 1992, when the star reached at mv=13.1. The discovery paper also tells that the outbursts of this object are rare. Any confirmatory observations and/or more information are welcomed. 195950.680 +564812.50 1950 V1028 Cyg UG 13.0-18P Regards, Taichi Kato