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[vsnet-outburst 4858] Re: NSV 15086 outburst?

Dear colleagues,

Following Andrew Pearce's report [vsnet-campaign-dn 3083] of a brightening
of NSV 15086 on 2002, Dec 7.576 UT, I decided to include this object in an
unfiltered CCD observing session at CBA Belgium Observatory.

I followed the object on 2002, Dec 8/9, for a total of 2.6 hours, using a
35-cm f/6.3 telescope and ST-7 CCD. The object was around mag 15.6
(unfiltered mag) during the run. The resulting light curve, shown at my web
site, is nearly constant and shows no modulations > 0.1 mag over the
observed time span.

Follow-up observations are strongly encouraged to determine the further
behaviour of this variable star.

Kind regards,
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory
email : Tonny.Vanmunster@cbabelgium.com
website : www.cbabelgium.com

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