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[vsnet-outburst 4738] CW Mon - grazing eclipse nature known from observations by Rich Stover

Dear colleagues,

I have just published my Nov 05/06, 2002 CCD observations of CW Mon on my
web site (www.cbabelgium.com). Vsnet-campaign-dn 2971 announced the probable
detection of grazing eclipses by Kiyota (Tsukuba, Japan), recorded in CCD
observations obtained on Nov 3, 2002. The existence of grazing eclipses in
CW Mon seems to be a certitude, according to a private email, that I
received from Joe Patterson on Nov 07, 2002, in which he refers to CW Mon
observations by Rich Stover, from which the "grazing eclipse" nature was
first derived. See my web site for more details.

Kind regards,
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory
email : Tonny.Vanmunster@cbabelgium.com
website : www.cbabelgium.com

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