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[vsnet-outburst 4683] CW Mon- for the record

Just for the record, the recent detection of CW Mon in outburst should in
fact be credited to Dan Taylor (TDB).

He reported it at 14.4 on October 29.3785. My observation on Oct 29.3132 was
<14.4. I emailed Dan asking him about it and he reported he was very
confident that he had indeed spotted the outburst. We determined the
apparent discrepancy in our observations was most likely due to our using
different sequences and charts to observe the star.

Dan was using the AAVSO chart and the comp stars 145 and 143. I was using a
CCD(V) sequence from Henden/Sumner. The AAVSO 145=153 Henden and the AAVSO
143=149 Henden. Transforming Dan's observations yields an estimate ~15.1,
which would have been too faint for me to see. The 144 comp star I used as
an upper limit is not part of the AAVSO sequence.

One of the main reasons for my persevering to observe last night, under less
than ideal conditions, was to confirm Dan's sighting of CW Mon.

Congratulations Dan, for detecting this relatively rare outburst.

Mike Simonsen

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