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[vsnet-obs 38679] [vsnet-chat 5132] Re: Curious observations and reports

Dear observing colleagues,

There is and was a lot (to be) said on this matter. I would like to add
the case of my erroneous TV Col observation reporting which was an
alternative case of typo error.

I reported it at 14.7, while it was seen at 13.7. How did that come? 

It has to do with the approach we all have in such reporting bulletins.
My approach is that I first download my template reporting sheet, which
contains all the variables that I intend reporting on during the year. 

This template is written in the standard format for the VSNET report
with the variable, spaces, dates, and most likely magnitudes followed by
the observer code. 
For each actual report the following needs to be done :
1. delete all variables not observed
2. adjust to proper UT date/time by overriding in insert mode
3. overriding for the observed magnitude, eventually add or remove '<'
and adjust spacing
4. check 
5. send

What went wrong with the TV Col observation? 3 and 4
3. my template gives 141 as the most probable magnitude. I changed the
1 to 7, but 'forgot' to change the 4...

4. I do usually check the report before sending. This check is usually
focused on dates mainly...not magnitudes.

To end this I would like to point at the incorrect statement by Makoto
Uemura on this in Astro-alert.
He wrote
  TV Col		(RA = 05h29m25s.5, Dec = -32d49'05".2)

 A fading of this object was reported (vsnet-campaign-ip 85, 
  vsnet-campaign-nl 66), but it turned out to be an error observation 
  (vsnet-campaign-nl 67, vsnet-campaign-ip 86).
This was not an error observation, but an error reporting!

No hard feelings, Makoto! 
Indeed, we all err at times 



L A G (Berto) Monard  Pr Eng, M Sc (Mech) Eng
Optical Radiometry and Radiation Pyrometry
National Metrology Laboratory
South Africa

tel: +27 12 841-3003 (w)

e-mail : lagmonar@csir.co.za

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