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[vsnet-obs 34371] no subject (file transmission)

Observations for June 8, 2001
Observer   : G.Comello, Spreeufontein (Cape West), 
             Republic of South Africa
Instrument : 250-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : very clear sky of the Great Karoo

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CENR      20010608.71        6.7   CMG
VIRU      20010608.71       12.1   CMG
VIRS      20010608.72       12.4   CMG
VIRR      20010608.72       11.2   CMG
LEOS      20010608.72       12.8   CMG
SCORZ     20010608.73       11.5   CMG
SCOR      20010608.74       11.3   CMG
SCOS      20010608.74       12.4   CMG
SCOX      20010608.74       11.4   CMG
SCOZ      20010608.75       12.1   CMG
LEOV      20010608.76       12.0   CMG
BOOZ      20010608.76       10.9   CMG
OPHR      20010608.77       12.9   CMG
OPHSS     20010608.77        9.2   CMG
OPHS      20010608.78       10.4   CMG

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