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[vsnet-obs 34370] no subject (file transmission)

Observations for June 12, 2001
Observer   : G.Comello, Spreeufontein (Cape West),
             Republic of South-Afica
Instrument : 25-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : beautiful southern sky, 7th-mag stars with naked eye! 

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

LEOX      20010612.715      14.6   CMG  in zodiacal light
PAVR      20010612.72       13.1   CMG
TUCT      20010612.73       11.8   CMG
TUCR      20010612.74        9.5   CMG
CRBR      20010612.740       6.1   CMG
PUPV445   20010612.743      10.1   CMG
VELV382   20010612.747      12.9   CMG
BOORR     20010612.75       11.9   CMG
CVNR      20010612.80        8.6   CMG
CVNT      20010612.80       10.3   CMG
HERAS     20010612.80       12.2   CMG
HERS      20010612.80        8.8   CMG

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