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[vsnet-obs 26210] no subject (file transmission) (fwd)

 Correction to [vsnet-obs 26208] for February 8, 2000 : (NOT February 7!)
 Observations for February 8, 2000
 Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
 Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
 Conditions : clear after rain, very much wind, later clouds
 Star      Date UT         Mag    code
 GEMU      20000208.146      13.8   CMG
 BOOV      20000208.15        9.0   CMG
 BOOR      20000208.15       13.0   CMG
 BOOS      20000208.15       11.4   CMG
 BOORT     20000208.15       10.5   CMG
 BOORR     20000208.15       12.6   CMG
 LEOR      20000208.15        9.0   CMG
 LEOV      20000208.15       13.5   CMG
 LEOS      20000208.15       10.9   CMG
 LEOTZ     20000208.15       13.1   CMG
 LEOSX     20000208.15       10.4   CMG
 UMAX      20000208.15       14.8   CMG
 CRBX      20000208.15       12.3   CMG
 CRBR      20000208.160       6.6   CMG  10x50 finder
 CRBZ      20000208.16       11.8   CMG
 CRBS      20000208.16        9.4   CMG
 CRBV      20000208.16       10.9   CMG
 CRBW      20000208.16        8.0   CMG  10x50 finder
 CRBT      20000208.161      10.0   CMG
 DRASV     20000208.16       14.6   CMG
 DRAWZ     20000208.16       11.6   CMG
 DRAR      20000208.16       12.4   CMG
 DRAT      20000208.16        9.5   CMG
 DRAV      20000208.16       13.9   CMG
 DRAU      20000208.16       13.7   CMG
 DRART     20000208.16       10.0   CMG
 LMIR      20000208.16       11.6   CMG
 LMIS      20000208.16       10.2   CMG
 LMIU      20000208.16       11.1   CMG
 DRARV     20000208.16       13.1   CMG
 UMARR     20000208.16       14.2   CMG
 DRAW      20000208.17       14.3   CMG
 COMR      20000208.17       11.4   CMG
 VIRSU     20000208.17       12.8   CMG
 VIRRU     20000208.17       13.8   CMG
 VIRS      20000208.17        9.3   CMG
 VIRU      20000208.17        8.5   CMG  10x50 finder
 CYGR      20000208.17       13.0   CMG
 CAMZ      20000208.180      13.0   CMG
 HERAH     20000208.183      12.5   CMG
 VIRSS     20000208.18        9.0   CMG

Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |

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