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[vsnet-obs 25426] Observations

Observations for December 19, 1999
Observer    : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument  : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions  : short, clear gap between snowshowers

Star      Date UT       Mag      code

CYGSS     991219.718    11.6     CMG
CAMZ      991219.721    11.0     CMG  
CYGV482   991219.722    11.1     CMG  during light snowfall
AQLV1494  991219.761     7.4     CMG  in distant snowfall, 15x80 bin.  
Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |

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