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[vsnet-obs 23584] Obs. BVE October 3/4

Hello everybody,

First some general remarks concerning an e-mail of Hazel McGee, then my
observations of last night.
In VS-NET OBS 23308 Hazel McGee is complaining about the high number of
automatic announcements of discoveries of new variable stars. So do I.
Do these announcements really belong in VS-NET OBS? I think most
observers use vsnet-obs to compare their observations to the
observations of others. The new discovered variables are at nobodies
regular observing program, so why are they announced here?
The best thing to do is to create a new sub-list for VSNET-DISCOVERIES.
This way only people interested in these kind of messages get the
information about the new discovered variables. If this is not possible,
can the MISAO and the Tmz team put all their new discoveries in one
message, like Bengtsson and Hassforther do? Thanks in advance!


Erwin van Ballegoij


Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Oranjestad, Aruba
Instr.  : 11.5 cm f/8 Newtonian, 10x50 binoculairs
e-mail  : ballegoy@setarnet.aw
atmosph.: clear, but from time to time many passing clouds

all used sequences: AAVSO

Observations for October 3/4 1999

star		date [UT]       magn.   Observer
----            ---------       -----   --------
R AND		991004.183	10.0	BVE
T AND		991004.181	11.5	BVE
W AND		991004.194	 8.6	BVE
X AND		991004.206	11.8	BVE
Z AND		991004.201	10.2	BVE
R AQL		991004.069	 9.3	BVE
X AQL		991004.072	 8.2	BVE
AE AQR		991004.142	11.3	BVE
R AQR		991004.165	 9.7	BVE
T AQR		991004.138	 9.7	BVE
V AQR		991004.145	 9.1	BVE
Y AQR		991004.147	 8.7	BVE
R ARI		991004.210	 9.9	BVE
R BOO		991003.992	 7.3	BVE
V BOO		991003.994	 8.9	BVE
R CAS		991004.122	 8.4	BVE
V CAS		991004.100	 8.0	BVE
W CAS		991004.120	 9.2	BVE
S CEP		991004.107	 9.2	BVE
T CEP		991004.089	 9.3	BVE
OMI CET		991004.215	 6.1	BVE
R CET		991004.217	 9.9	BVE
R CRB		991003.997	11.0	BVE
SS CYG		991003.998	10.6	BVE
X DEL		991004.078	10.6	BVE
Z DEL		991004.076	 9.5	BVE
U DRA		991004.094	 9.8	BVE
S GRU		991004.131	10.6	BVE
RS OPH		991004.063	11.3	BVE
U ORI		991004.239	10.2	BVE
Z PEG		991004.176	11.9	BVE
R PER		991004.233	 9.2	BVE
S PER		991004.228	10.3	BVE
U PER		991004.224	 8.3	BVE
Y PER		991004.226	10.0	BVE
R SCT		991004.067	 5.8	BVE
R SGR		991004.043	 8.5	BVE
RR SGR		991004.053	 7.2	BVE
RW SGR		991004.040	10.1	BVE
RX SGR		991004.041	 9.8	BVE
RY SGR		991004.051	 6.3	BVE
T SGR		991004.045	 9.8	BVE
TY SGR		991004.049	10.2	BVE
VX SGR		991004.035	 9.8	BVE
R TRI		991004.213	10.1	BVE
S UMI           991003.988       8.0    BVE
R VUL		991004.086	 8.0	BVE
* Erwin van Ballegoij en Heidi van der Vloet *
* Tarabanaweg 9                              *
* Oranjestad, Aruba                          *
* tel: ++ 297 821918                         *
* e-mail: ballegoy@setarnet.aw               *

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