V838 Mon outburst on TV! なんと、チェコでこの増光のニュースが(いわゆるゴールデンアワーってやつか なのニュース番組で)テレビ・ラジオで報道されたそうです。 From: "Ondrej Pejcha" <opejcha@volny.cz> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 20:37:11 +0100 Subject: [vsnet-campaign-v838mon 54] Outburst of V838 Mon on TV! Dear all, thanks to a great effort of people from Czech Astronomical Society, a short (1 min and 34s) contribution about outburst of V838 Mon has appeared on the biggest Czech channel TV Nova (what an appropriate name!) in the prime time news at 19:30. About 70% of TVs which are switched on are tuned on this channel. I captured movie (6MB) with this contribution and I can provide it upon personal request. Some info about V838 Mon has also appeared on the radio (two times today) and will appear tomorow in at least 3 newspapers. Best regards, Ondrej Pejcha