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[vsnet-j 1852] [FWD] possible Nova Oph 2002 - a confirmation

>Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 20:38:58 +1100 (EST)
From: Alon Retter <retter@Physics.usyd.edu.au>
Subject: possible Nova Oph 2002 - a confirmation 

The following message was recently sent to CBAT:

A. Retter, S. O'Toole, University of Sydney; R. Stathakis, J. Pogson,
AAO; T. Naylor, Exeter University, report:
We observed the possible nova Oph 2002=HadV105 (IAUC 7808) with the 
3.9-m AAT telescope (+RGO) in January 26, 18:30 UT. Preliminary analysis
of the medium resolution spectra (400-700nm) shows that they are 
dominated by strong emission lines and possibly weak P-Cygni profiles.
The strongest lines are H-alpha, H-beta and Fe II multiplets 42, 74, 48,
49, 55 etc. The FWZI of the H-alpha and H-beta lines is 2350+/-100 km/s.
The object is, therefore, very likely a classical nova than belongs to
the Fe II class, caught at the early decline phase.

   Dr. Alon Retter          Tel. (work)     +61-2-9351-4058
   School of Physics        Fax  (work)     +61-2-9351-7726
   University of Sydney     -------------------------------------------
   Sydney, 2006             'As a scientist I don't believe myself, so 
   Australia                why should I believe you?' (A.R. 1965-2085)

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