Nova Cyg 2001 No. 2 Dear Colleagues, As some of you have already observing, a bright nova (and looks still brightening!) is discovered in Cygnus! (IAUC 7686) The discovery was made by Akihiko Tago, Okayama, Japan on his patrol films taken on 18.599 and 18.603 UT. The information was relayed by A. Nakamira immediately to the CBAT. Upon Nakamura's request, K. Ayani, Bisei Observatory, took a spectrum, which shows emission lines of H-alpha and beta, with pronouced P Cyg-profile. This is very characteristic of a spectrun of a nova at premaximum stage (even if it is not in the earliest stage). The nova has further risen to the 6-th magnitude object now, confirming the suggestion from spectroscopy. The brightening of the nova was very rapid. A. Nakamura further noted that the magnitude at the discovery was determined using Tycho sequence, and is directly comparable to subsequent obseravation. The position is 21h 03m 02s.00 (J2000.0, measured by H. Abe) +48o 45' 52".9 Congratulations to Tago-san! Until the object receives the permanent GCVS name, please report the object as CYGnova2001-2 in the VSNET reporting format. CYGnova2001-2 20010815.62 <120p TAG CYGnova2001-2 20010816.64 <120p TAG CYGnova2001-2 20010817.64 <120p TAG CYGnova2001-2 20010818.599 88p TAG CYGnova2001-2 20010818.603 88p TAG CYGnova2001-2 20010819.6 66C HAb Further reports to VSNET: CYGnova2001-2 20010819.867 7.2 GRL B7x50 HIP CYGnova2001-2 20010819.913 67 RMQ.AAVSO CYGnova2001-2 20010819.848 7.0 BMU seq. H/T CYGnova2001-2 20010819.944 69 MUY CYGnova2001-2 20010819.957 69 RMQ.AAVSO CYGnova2001-2 20010819.84 6.66V GSo CYGnova2001-2 20010819.84 7.8B GSo CYGnova2001-2 20010819.84 6.2R GSo CYGnova2001-2 20010819.84 5.3I GSo CYGnova2001-2 20010819.985 72 BRO