Dear colleagues, The nova is very much fainter than expected so a new chart was made to observe it. Last night it was fainter than the whole sequence in the previous chart, shining at visual magnitude 10.0. Sicne the discovery was made with a red filter and the variable looks orange to the eye, this probably explains the difference between the visual magnitude and the discovery data. John Greaves noted that there was a 10th magnitude observation in ASAS-3 so the observations indicate it never got much brighter than 9-10th mag. in the visual. What seems to be a possible bright nova was actually one of the dimmest recently. CIRnova2003 20031009.986 9.81V ASA Charts: The new chart is available at: The binocular chart was updated with a more accurate position and a possible problematic comparison star (binary) (928) was removed. Good observations. Sebastian. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.525 / Virus Database: 322 - Release Date: 09/10/03
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