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[vsnet-chat 6908] Re: v511 observation

Re: [vsnet-chat 6906] Re: v511 observation

> This is not sufficient to satisfy the quality?

   Decisively NO.

   If you were a careful observer, you could have easily mentioned in this
reply in response to my request how you confirmed the identification and
what is the uncertainty of the reported magnitude.  Clearly, this is the
necessary step for every observer to make satisfactory reports.

   But you have _repeatedly_ failed to demonstrate the validity of your
observations or findings even at this initial stage.  I thereby recognize
you as an unreliable observer.  Any finding you may report will be
dismissed, even if you may claim a discovery of a nova, at this low
confidence level.

   Anyone would be able to repeatedly report possible discoveries of
a nova, and some of which may coincide with the actual nova: this is not
a "discovery".  [Suppose you report 1000000000 potential nova/supernova
candidates every night to the CBAT, a true nova/supernova will be surely
within your locations.  With your confidence level, you have only to
state that "I used xxx telescope and xxx film, measured the magnitude
using xxx".  But no one would recognize you as a nova discoverer.
What you are doing now is not fundamentally different from this].

   I don't want to receive data from you any more.  Report your
observations to whatever other organization where your data
are appreciated (if there were such an organization, I probably won't
trust it).  If you wish to continue submitting observations to the VSNET,
I will create a dedicated mailing list for you.  You can post to the
VSNET only through this channel, and I will disregard any postings
in this list.  If it would be a better solution for you, please let me

Taichi Kato

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