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[vsnet-chat 6897] ccd

QC-Magnitude ?

This is a long e-mail, if not interested you can stop read now.

Many people interested in astronomy and variable stars can never afford to
buy a “real” ccd-camera.

However no you can modify a lot of other cameras, look at link:



A bit problematic is the fact, the  web- camera is immensely sensitive to
the red and infrared portion of spectrum. This causes some difficulties in
comparing the results with visual observations. But it starts to be a big
problem when observing red, pulsating stars, as Miras and semiregulars. Some
sort of visual filter is indispensable.

Luckily, not in every field it is so. For example, when observing eclipsing
binaries, the most important thing is the variability itself and the time it
happens in.

The described camera yields some hopes for constructing an automated
observatory able to observe thousands of stars. Now it's rather a promising
enhancement of traditional (manual) observing….

Read more about this at link:


And I am very grateful for a comment.

For my self I have a QuickCam b/w with this description:

Texas Instruments TC255P Frame Transfer CCD Sensor   Black & White sensor.
Size : 324(H) x 243(V) pixels   10µm square pixels   Size of the chip : 3,2
x 2,4mm   Signal conversion rate : 12µV / electron   Dynamic range : 66dB
Readout noise : 62 electrons   Low dark current    on/off anti blooming
Sensitivity : 350 mV/Lux. Good response in blue field.

CCD-Spectral responsity:


If I now doing some measurement on binary stars with this camera, what do I
call the magnitude? QC or what.

Or is observing with this camera only confusing and better do not do any
observing whit it?

I have also a 1004xa- camera under rebuilding ,can be seen under link:


And when i start use this camera ,what kind of magnitude do i use?

I use the cameras on a 254/1301mm Newton telescope, and motor drive.

Well hopes you understand something of this :o)



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