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[vsnet-chat 6738] (fwd) simply scatter-red

  The following message is from John Greaves:


Some little while ago I checked ucac1 red magnitude against USNO B1.0 R.

Although there was serious scatter from the latter, the fit seemed somewhat non-
linear, the assumption being that this was a natural consequence of the former 
being unfiltered.

This seemed somewhat interesting on three counts:

i) within the context of variable comparator sequences, as some people 
sometimes use ucac1 red adjusted to "V" via a colour term from USNO Ax.0 blue 
minus red.

ii) unfiltered CCD photometry of variable stars, especially larger amplitude 
stuff, that is if any CCD owners bother with said

iii) some have wondered on utilisation of ucac2 red magnitudes in tandem with 
2MASS colours for calibration purposes and/or colour conversions of one kind or 
another, and similar

ucac2 now extends to hemisphere's northern: ad.usno.navy.mil/ucac

CMC13 ranges from -3 to +30 degrees declination:

TASS Mk III tenxcat has been available via the CDS for some time (see the 
readme there for references and urls): http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cats/II/230/

They all have something in common... ...they all contain a red magnitude of one 
sort or another.  Details of said magnitudes, along with the _intended_ remits 
of the respective catalogues, can be found via the above urls, but in short

ucac2 - wide passband lying between Johnson V and Cousins R - and astrometric 
catalogue in no way intended to be photometric

r'_CMCT - SDSS r' filter used on drift scanned CCD, but calibrated on the Vega 
system (via Tycho2) rather than some obscure halo subdwarf F star or 4 as in 
the SDSS, although no internal colour information exists - an astrometric 
catalogue with a more serious than usual approach to the "bonus photometry" 

TASS Mk III - Rc filter used on drift scanned CCD, calibration via Tycho - a 
multicolour photometric survey

Although rigorous analysis makes use of primary standards and transformation 
coefficients and the like, if you use big enough samples then simple scatter 
plots can be quite informative.  So, simple scatter plots of red magnitudes are 
attached.  Although the sample sizes are in the thousands or tens of thousands, 
this is still relatively small compared to the tens of millions CMC13 and ucac2 
each contain.

Now, the UCACn readmes state that the red magnitudes are in no way meant to be 
photometric, and although they may well be within 0.1 of a mag of each other 
within an observing zone, variations in observing seeing can lead to this being 
as high as 0.3 between such zones.

First I'm going to match UCAC2 red against CMC13 r'_CMCT

[The fist intent was to plot ra and dec differences out of interest for these 
two, but along the way I seem to have forgot this and rounded the decimal 
degrees to four places at one point for another reason, and as these two 
catalogues appeared to mostly have exactly the same positions to four places 
for the first few hundred I scan viewed, it appears I'll have to start again 
from scratch for that].

The strip of sky used is from 0 to +1 degrees declination and 0 to roughly 140 
degrees RA, a region selected to allow overlap between all three catalogues.

ucaccmcr.gif shows the plot of REDucac2 as y axis versus r'_CMCT as x axis for 
64000 objects.

ucdiff.gif shows the differences, REDucac2 minus r'_CMCT as y axis against 
r'_CMCT as axis

uccolour.gif utilises the inclusion of 2MASS photometry in the UCAC2 catalogue 
to attempt an assessment of any colour dependencies, such that the y axis is 
again REDucac2 minus r'_CMCT and the x axis is 2MASS J-H colour for the same 
objects (J-Ks was not used as Ks can be in excess due to circumstellar matter).

Their is evident nonlinearity.  However the situation isn't alinear.  The 
situation gets worse at fainter magnitudes.

It seems from the J-H plot that all colours and all differences are somewhat 
evenly distributed, with no clear trend (though admittedly I'm not entirely 
sure what that big splob in the colour diagram denotes).

Which is the nonlinear?  Let's try a kind of bootstrap.  There's no massive 
standard set of stars to test against, so let's have a look at the filtered 
CMC13 r'_CMCT stuff in comparison to the filtered TASS Mk III Rc stuff, and see 
if they can self qualify each other.

There's ~14000 common objects in that sample.  The TASS data has a faint limit 
of 14 in comparison to a faint limit approaching 17 for the other two 
catalogues, so there are less stars to match anyway (approximately a third of a 
milliion stars in tenxcat, not all having Rc data).

tasscmcr.gif has a linear fit with a high correlation coefficient of 0.98 
(though some would prefer 0.99 or even higher for certainty).

tcdiff.gif also suggests linearity between the two datasets, the plot showing 
Rc minus r'_CMCT as y axis versus r'_CMCT as x axis and having a mean of -0.20, 
a median of -0.19 (no skew) and a standard deviation of 0.15.

tccolour.gif shows Rc minus r'_CMCT versus V-Rc from the TASS Mk III data.  
There appears to be colour dependency in that the redder the object the more 
likely it is for Rc to be brighter than r'CMCT at any particular magnitude.

UCAC2 may well be the photometrically nonlinear then.

Time for some Rc-ing about.

Only ~8400 common UCAC2 and TASS Mk III Rc objects were gleaned between 0 and 
+1 degrees declination and 0 and 180 degrees RA.

tassucacr.gif shows Rc as x axis and REDucac2 as y axis.  It looks fairly 
linear.  tudiff.gif shows things aren't that linear though, with a plot of 
REDucac2 minus Rc as y axis versus Rc as x axis.  Mean REDucac2 minus Rc is 
0.15 whilst median is 0.13, a slightest of skews, with standard deviation of 
0.18.  A linear fit of 0.98 correlation coefficient for REDucac2 versus Rc can 
be obtained for this lesser magnitude range (8 to 14) : REDucac2 = 0.96 Rc + 

Inspection shows that both these plots recapitulate the equivalent cmc13/ucac2 
plots of above for magnitudes down to 14 in those plots, where the differences 
equally appear not to be too great.

tucolour.gif shows Rc minus REDucac2 as y axis against TASS Mk III V-Rc as x 
axis, and that it can be compared to tccolour.gif, and again the colour 
dependency is recapitulated in that plot for objects of magnitude 14 or 

As REDucac2 and r'_CMCT, though both relatively broad passbands, do not overlap 
greatly, there seems to be something of a slight colour term in the TASS Mk III 
V-Rc, although I could readily have mistaken it and the problem could lie 
elsewhere, or there be no problem at all.  The relationship appears linear, but 
whether it strictly needs to be flat, given the differing passbands, I do not 
know.  It is interesting though that REDucac2 lies between V and Rc, so they 
are not completely unconnected.


As the UCAC2 readme strongly suggests, UCAC2 red magnitudes are not meant for 
photometric use, but cross identification double check work.

They either shouldn't be used or at least should be used only strictly between 
magnitudes 9 and 14 as last resorts.

The CMC13, and the final CMC due next year, which will span -15 to +50 
declination, seems to have an interesting bonus of possibly useful photometry, 
at least for ensemble reductions (individual stars would have to be checked via 
images to ensure they are not blends unresolved in CMC13).  Though in no way a 
standard, nor on a common system, and unchecked here at the faint end, it may 
have some use in reducing error ranges during calibrations and/or scatter 
between observers.

Again, I'm not suggesting it as a standard in anyway, but for those more 
photometrically expert than I, there may be potential uses.

However, it seems likely that SDSS r' type filters would be needed in such a 
case, as evidently unfiltered CCDs cause problems, and although nonlinear 
solutions are just as applicable as linear ones, the increasing increase in 
scatter at the faint end is worrying.


Those hoping to, or already, using UCAC photometry, don't.  If you want to 
experiment with 2MASS colours and red magnitudes or similar, play with CMC13 
instead.  Hopefully it will be on vizier soon, too.

However, it has a narrower declination range than UCAC2, as will the final 
offering.  [Interestingly it seems far denser in the ranges where they do 
overlap (current UCAC2 ~48 million stars from -90 to +40-50 degrees 
declination, current CMC13 ~ 36 million stars from -3.2 to +30.2 degrees 



John Greaves

PS  I don't really know where I was intending to go with this one.  Just look 
at the graphs, they say it all really, whatever it is that is to be said ;^)

Hopefully the 'grown ups' may have something to say about the ucac2 cmc13 
relative astrometry, and even the cmc drift scan in general, as it seems an 
impressive unsung "little" thing that's sneaked out quietly.

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