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[vsnet-chat 6602] Re: non-TASS stars in the Wiki?

Re: non-TASS stars in the Wiki?

> VSNET is another place that will accept data for star
> it already has in its databases.  But what if the star of interest
> is _not_ yet in anyone's list?

   This statement is not correct.  VSNET receives observations of any
variable star, regardleess of its existence in the database.  If the star
has a proper variable star name (GCVS or NSV), simply use them in reporting,
and the data will be automatically incoporated into individual variable
star pages.  When the star is entirely new to the variable star community,
please report the data to vsnet-newvar, which deals with newly recognized
(not yet registered in GCVS/NSV) variable stars.

Taichi Kato

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