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[vsnet-chat 6504] (fwd) Mira flares (Greaves)

(fwd) Mira flares (Greaves)

   The following message is from John Greaves:


I've been following this topic, on and off, for some time now, since 
I read the Hipparcos Venice Symposium paper on it about 5 years ago.  
The "examples" out there are still mostly at the anecdotal level, and 
the following is somewhat anecdotal too.  As there is some current 
level of interest on the matter, and possibly the bestest chance so 
far of possible follow ups through either survey data or personal 
interests, I'll put some things forward, just for 
information/viewpoint's sake.

Firstly, however, I'll ask if anyone has ever come across a paper 
reviewing "Vanadium Stars" or similar.  I came across, and read, this 
sometime during the past couple of years, and then totally managed to 
lose all trace of it.  I can't even remember if any of the stars were 
variables, as I was reading it on an unrelated matter.  It was a 
review of stars with spectral class M8 to M10 (Miras can have these 
spectral classes, but using only during minima.  The M8 to M10 range 
is more or less defined by the "condensing" out of  VO in significant 
amounts due to the cool photospheric temperatures invilved).


When I read the Venice paper (amongst many others in the Symposium 
proceedings: it is a truly weighty tome ;) ) it piqued my interest, 
because around that time had been busy ploughing through LPV 
lightcurves en masse.  I had, over time, downloaded data for a few 
hundred objects from the publicly available AFOEV data held at the 
CDS ftp, and analysed about 200 Miras and a 100 semiregular 
lightcurves.  For certain interesting cases I usually augmented these 
with VSOLJ (via vsnet ftp) and BAAVSS (by request) data, obtaining up 
to a century's worth of data for some objects.

There are selection effects to consider in terms of flaring.

The occasional 'outlier', or lone bright observation, is not unknown 
in such lightcurves, but they are not common.

When considering their validity it is necessary at times to see if 
they are from a normally reliable and consistent observer.


There is also a 'negative' selection effect, in the sense that it is 
a result of things _not_ being selected.

Although observers are warned about bias, have observers a tendency 
not to forward discrepant observations?

On the other hand, and again in terms of selection pressures, these 
flarings have a tendency to occur around maximum.  This is a special 
part of the light curve, in that it engenders more interest, and 
comes within the observing capabilities of more people using varying 
instrumentation (eg binocs instead of their normal light bucket).

Minima of some Miras, especially before bigger telescopes became more 
widely available, just aren't/weren't covered at all.

Equally, the Hipparcos Epoch Photometry that has somewhat scarily 
been used to note these flarings is also selecting only at the bright 
end, by default.  Incidentally, HEP should be checked against Tycho 
Epoch photometry at all times, and BT and VT should always be checked 
against each other to see if both flare at the same time (even if not 
to the same extent), over and above the usual consideration re 
quality and background brightness flags etc, and then serious doubts 
still retained about the whole thing.

A way around some of these problems would be to check individual 
datasets from long time observers to see if any such brighter than 
usual observations occur.

Gary, I know you've been following some handful of Miras for a coupla 
decades or so now.  When you've time, could you have a quick visual 
look at a couple to see if you can see evidence of occasional 
brighter than usual events? Also, it'd useful to know if they do tend 
to be nearer maximum or whether they occur elsewhere in the 
lightcurve, or at minimum.  (That is, if you've bothered to plough 
this far through this ;)  ).

Summary on this bit:  There are selection effects that cause flaring 
to be likely to be more evident around maxima in Miras.  Is flaring 
actually concentrated around this time, which would be important 
observational evidence, or worse, are maxima occasions when flaring- 
emulating errors are going to occur.

In the context of the latter part of the summary: a collection of 
flaring events, if found, should be corellated against lunar cycle to 
ensure there is no effect due to that (I believe full moon has some 
effect on the measuring of red stars when red stars are bright, due 
to cones being preferentially used to rods at these background light 
levels, and their widely differing response to red light, such that 
cones would see the star brighter than rods would.  That needs 
checking though, I always get confused on which is which with this).

Highly seasonal and circumpolar stars will be viewed at low 
elevations, the former always, the later part of the time.  Again, 
simply testing an apparently flaring observation against local 
elevation (difficult if you don't have a rough idea of the observer's 
site) at that time with, say, a planetarium/sky charting package 
should soon show if any correlation is occuring here.

Note that seasonal altitude variations, with an annual value, and/or 
lunar variations, with a monthly value, combined with the long 
periods between maximal brightness that LPVs have, can lead to 
_apparent_ brightenings occuring only at the infrequent intervals 
when all circumstances are timed just right.  That is, a similar 
pattern to that suggested for the flarings.

Concentrating on evidence from long runs from individual experienced 
observers should get around this, but nothing is certain.

Basically, it would be useful if a handful of stars could be selected 
for inclusion in a monitoring program, as there are quite a few Mira 
out there, and the normal suggested rate is to view them once a 
fortnight, if not as infrequently as once a month.  More frequent 
observation probably needs a small sample to target.  Visual 
observers like to view as many objects as possible given kind 
weather, if only to make up for the times they couldn't observe. It's 
a personal reward thing.

Of course, the comments so far have been relative to visual 
observations, and especially archival ones.

At present I _personally_ haven't sufficient confidence in the 
available sky surveys (ASAS3 and TASS) to be happy with using them 
for something like this.  This is not meant disparagingly.  To show 
something new and unknown (well, mostly) you have to have a lot of 
confidence in precluding other, more mundane, alternatives.

I've had a bit of bother with ASAS3 data from time to time, so I 
don't always trust it implicitly, and remember we're trying to decide 
whether something is a glitch or a phenomenon here.  With regards to 
TASS Mk IV stuff, there is a nice little trick where you can check 
adjacent similarly coloured stars to see if any interesting event 
also occurs in them.  If yes, possible image/processing/atmosphere 
problems exist, if no, well then the phenomenon is likely real.  
However, most of the current observing regimes of the TASS (well, 
currentlly mostly Tom's cameras') survey are insufficiently dense 
enough (time resolution wise) to be of effective use in this matter.  
Though they can be suggestive (as can the ASAS3 stuff).  Increasing 
passage of time will make both these systems more valuable, as time 
baselines extend.  It is as usual a matter of time.  However, if 
these flaring events are on very short time scales within each 
observing session, the current survey practices (often dictated by 
necessity) of daily or less frequent short sessions may still mean 
detection is hit and miss, and evidence not necessarily unambiguous.

[After all, it is not within these surveys' remits to look 
specifically for flaring Miras.]

These events need not only to be shown to exist (or not for that 
matter), but if they do exist, their distribution within the 
lightcurve needs to be delineated.

I make the last point in the context of eventual models.  If the 
events occur at a specific point in the phase cycle of these 
pulsators, a mechanism may be easier to track down.

This is why I asked about the 'Vanadium star' paper.  I've been all 
over the ADS and elsewhere trying to refind it, but with no luck.

A short list of vanadium stars, or more properly stars of spectral 
type mostly between M8 to M10, especially variable ones, could be 
useful as a small target sample.

If vanadium oxide is going to be considered the source of these 
flarings, then these stars may be more prone to showing flaring.

However, I suppose that depends on the temperatures involved.  M8-M10 
stars may not get hot enough to cause the effect.  Indeed, if the 
bias towards flarings occuring at maxima is real and not a 
observational selection effect, this may be the case, as not an unfew 
number of Mira descend that 'late' in their spectral class near 

This has turned out a lot more long winded than I had hoped, but I 
hope it gives some clues and thoughts to those interested.  If some 
are going to pursue this they need to define the problem a bit first, 
as some serious, continual, high time resolution monitoring is going 
to be needed, and for this practical consideration dictates that a 
small sample of likely candidates needs to be shortlisted.

Hope I've not confused the issue (or myself) too much.

Personal feeling, based on some anecdotal evidence and circumstantial 
evidence, and 'feel' for Mira lightcurves (analysis gives one a 
totally different perspective on archival datasets that makes some of 
the issues normally voiced on said totally irrelevant), I'd say the 
phenomenon was real enough and simply mostly missed due to the short 
duration of each event when compared to traditional observing 
regimens.  The flares aren't especially brighter than usual in the 
visual after all.

I've been wrong afore, mindst ;)

Currently, Vello Tabur's comments at the bottom of 


are the best simple non-circumstantial recent evidence out there, and 
as this occured during a "secondary" maximum in this non-standard 
Mira lightcurve, it is not necessarily extendable to all Mira stars..

That ain't a lot to be going on with.



John Greaves

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