Some heavy clouds moved in just as it got dark, so I barely managed to try confirming the "brightening". My observation was as follows: OPHRS 20030531.3743 11.2: LMK This observation was made using the same comp stars (115 107) as on May 27, V=11.3, so I dont see much brightening, despite some loss of accuracy due to cloud. There is a potential problem here with the 113 SE comp star (Also marked as 1111 on Otero's chart). It is a very red star, B-V is approx. +2.0! In fact, it appears more like the 115 due its redness. Any observer using this star as a comp would certainly overestimate RS brightness. In fact, if I used Otero's 1111 and 1068 comps (the same stars as aavso 113 107), my estimate would have been 10.9! This is a clear evidence of the problems caused by mixing red and white stars in the same estimate. I strongly urge this red star be removed as a comp. Mike Linnolt
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