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[vsnet-chat 6234] Surprisingly parallel discrepancies...

Just back from a trip through Libya I read the comments of Dr. Kato
on the surprising discrepancies between observations of V Gem [vsnet-chat 
6202]. Here are my comments on this case, using the classifications of
Dr. Kato.

1) Observations with no marks - they are of V Gem itself, using adaequate
   large aperture with high magnifications
2) Group A : they are clearly misidentifications; but I cannot find out 
   which field star is confused with V. Possibly the 94 and 82 of the AAVSO b-
3) group B : typical misidentifications, when using a too small telescope and 
   V Gem is getting faint, maybe the 116-star is confused with V. One question 
   remains however : why did this observer not miss the 116 in the field?

The V Gem-case is a typical example of observing-biases and misidentifications.
Owners with small telescopes should avoid to want "too much", and leave
the fainter variables to the larger instruments. 


Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |

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