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[vsnet-chat 6200] (fwd) 2MASS J-Ks colours and spectral types

(fwd) 2MASS J-Ks colours and spectral types

  (Forwarded message from John Greaves)

Hi everybody peeps

The "final" 2MASS All Sky dataset has been released.  It goes quite 
faint and purportedly covers 99.998% of sky (I wonder where the .002% 

It can be used to assess the spectral type of stars fainter than 
Tycho2 BT-VT values (or even double check the faintest Tycho2 values 
of said) using the table in section IV of Brian Skiff's downloadable 
file :-


This can give clues as to what type of variable a new object can be 
(I am not sure if J-Ks is relatively reddening free compared to B-V, 
which would be useful) and/or whether a faintish star is too red/blue 
to be used as a comparator on variable finder charts, etc, &c.

Ostensibly the three passbands for each field were imaged 
simultaneously, though it should be noted that there is no guarantee 
that there are both J and Ks available for every star/object, 
especially at the faint end.

The 2MASS all sky database can be interrogated via:-


and press the topmost 'select' button.

Use a search radius of 3 to 5 arcsecs, dependent on how confident you 
are of your astrometry.

The resultant file, when notified of and viewed, will give values 
such as j_m and k_m.  subtract k_m from j_m to get the J-Ks colour 
and check it against the above noted table.

Ideally the quality of these values should be assessed via the errors 
noted in the 2MASS data table, and especially by reference to the 
flags, which are explained in :-


(all one url)

The blend, close companion and interference from bright star spikes 
etc flags are of most interest in that respect.  Inclusion of the 
signal to noise ratio for the measures is also very nice.

You'd better note the acknowledgement blurb too:-


GATOR is a tad mulish for single object searches, but the full 2MASS 
catalogue will be available via VizieR soon, or so it is said.

Finally, note that 2MASS All Sky PSC nomenclature is 
2MASS Jhhmmssss+dd''""" (where + can be either + or -), which differs 
from the current 2MASS Jhhmmsss+dd''"" of the second incremental 
catalogue, which is now going to be referred to as 2MASSI 
Jhhmmsss+dd''"".  This is a bit weird in terms of 'backwards 
compatibility' re 2MASS names already in the literature, but there 
you go.

You should note though that 2MASS final release is a reprocessing and 
therefore the data for any object should be considered as not the 
same as for that object in the 2nd incremental or other releases.



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