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[vsnet-chat 6150] Re: SS Aur problem

Re: SS Aur problem

> The last nigth I have observed the star SS Aur
> with 203 mm SC telescope f/10, +CCD.
> I have valued m= 16.7V using Chart AAVSO CCD , 
> I believe that CCD and visual values will differ.
> (What happened to the star SS Aur?)

   Although there is a prevailing belief that the star is around mv=14.5
or 15.0 in quiescence, as listed in some catalogs, the true quiescence
is usually much fainter.  Other than special time around frequently
outbursting states (this is possibly a cosequence of an incerased mass-transfer
rate), CCD V-band observations usually gave magnitudes fainter than V=16.0.
Visual observers with large apertures, such as MRV, SXN and TDB, tend to
give consistent results with CCD observation.

   You may see the VSNET SS Aur page and look at the GIF chart, which
shows SS Aur V=16.2.


   The present magnitude is slightly fainter than this, but is not
astonishingly faint.

Taichi Kato

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