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[vsnet-chat 6117] Re: (fwd) Re: [vsnet-gcvs 314] (fwd) NMO Campaign

On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 11:33 PM, Taichi Kato wrote:

> a lot of NEW RESEARCH will be needed.

Good! We're dying to do it. I still think we need more people like the 
CBA's Joe Patterson who actively leads amateur observer campaigns. I 
can't help but think that that all of us eager amateurs with CCD's and 
BVRI filters couldn't be of more use if we are utilized more 
effectively. The AAVSO is great for LPV stuff primarily, VSNET 
certainly encourages us to follow up when something is super-humping or 
in outburst. That still leaves a lot of territory, IMHO. When I am a 
professional astronomer someday, I'm not going to forget my amateur 
roots and I am going to utilize this vast army of observers like Joe P. 
and few others do.

Michael Koppelman

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