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[vsnet-chat 6116] Re: FU Eri's period is actually 3.7444 days

     Hello friends,

     Good news!

     I'm crazy to observe this star after these ephemeris...  Bad
weather at night in Floripa yet...

     []s do Alex!

 --- Sebastian Otero <varsao@fullzero.com.ar> escreveu: > 
> >  I looked back through my files
> > and discovered that I had found a quite believable period of
> 1.87213(5)
> > days in 1998. Using that ephemeris as a starting point I have
> incorporated
> > the photometry published in the recent postings to come up with
> this...
> >
> > HJD_minI = 2448725.728 + 1.872210xE
> Chris,
> I used your period and form the resulting graph I was suspicious
> from the
> lack of secondary eclipse.
> So doubling the period ended up with the best lightcurve.
> I applied heliocentric correction to my observations and finally
> found:
> I = HJD 2448725.720 + 3.744399 x E
> See my webpage at:
> http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Curva_FU_Eridani.htm
> I smoothed AAX observations to fit them in the graphs as follows:
> JD2440000+  corrected V mag.  visual AAX
> 12292.6014     9.28     9.0
> 12309.5146     9.26     8.9
> 12396.5778     9.26     8.9
> 12317.5396     9.25     8.8
> 12475.7785     9.60     9.3  No eclipse
> 12475.8257     9.28     9.0
> 12490.7375     9.40     9.2  Eclipse
> 12496.8507     9.33     9.1
> 12497.6674     9.28     9.0
> 12521.5917     9.26     8.9
> 12525.6799     9.28     9.0
> 12525.7785     9.33     9.1
> 12549.6389     9.26     8.9
> 12550.5458     9.33     9.1
> 12560.6910     9.26     8.9
> See that Alexandre caught the secondary eclipse (also observed by
> Hipparcos)
> but the 9.3 observation (=9.60) is a mistake.

********* Alexandre Amorim ***********
*        Estacao  Costeira1          *
*         Florianopolis/SC           *
*    email: costeira1@yahoo.com      *
* http://vsnet.geocities.com/costeira1 *

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