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[vsnet-chat 1929] (fwd) Re: Visually observed highest-z object?

(fwd) Re: [vsnet-chat 1924] Visually observed highest-z object?

   Forwarded message from Jere Kahanpaa:

From jkahanpa@pcu.helsinki.fi Fri May 28 17:23 JST 1999
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 11:23:32 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Jere Kahanpaa <jkahanpa@pcu.helsinki.fi>
Subject: Re: Highest visual z observed


Got Your mail as a forward from a Swedish amateur astronomer,
Timo Karhula.

Mr. Riku Henriksson and I observed a quasar with a redshift
of 3.41 about 1 1/2 years ago. This QSO called Q0014+813 is
(IIRC) in northern Draco and might be somewhat more difficult
from more southern sites. Still, it is not too tough as
the magnitude is 16.2 which is very bright for such a
distant object. Q0014+813 is/was actually the brightest
known (constant-luminosity) single object in the universe.
I don't know if this record has been broken.

Our visual observation was made with a 25-inch (630mm)
dobsonian (ala Obsession) with a magnification
of about 300x. This turned out to bee a bit of an
overkill as the QSO was readily visible without
averted vision even if the condition were far from
perfect (setting moon, some auroral glow etc.).
I think it must be visible with much smaller scopes.

Clear skies and happy hunting
=09Jere Kahanp=E4=E4

PS. As I don't know the mailing list address in the
original forward I didn't send this to the lis.
You can, if You think it is appropriate,
forward this mail to the list.

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