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[vsnet-chat 1366] Help us to stop the Znamya mission

Dear friends,
 do you know the Znamya project?  If no, read the following pages:

Some italian amateur astronomers have thought to protest against the society Energia Ltd. in order to prevent the launch.
If you want to help us, send a copy of the following message to the address energia@energialtd.com and tell to your friends to do the same thing.
Thanks to everybody!

Stop Znamya Mission !

Night is a right of everybody and dark and starry Sky is a cultural gift of all the people.
If you light the Sky at night you will irreparably damage astronomic research, harm all
animals and plants, deprive human beings of the contemplation of the Universe and of darkness to sleep.
Moreover, if you want to powerfully light a precise location on Earth for a very long time, you should use a huge number of low rounding satellites; so this is why we believe that in the next future Znamya will just be for commercial purposes: but the Sky should not be used for trade.
This in why Znamya shall never fly !

<Name , Surname>
<Association you belong to>

Luca Boschini       boschini@mediacom.it
via Keplero, 4      "F.Zwicky" Group
24126 Bergamo       Supernovae Hunter
ITALY               http://vsnet.uninetcom.it/astro/supernovae/superno.htm

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