Alon Retter wrote: > In the light curve of Nova V1974 Cygni 1992 (Retter & Leibowitz, 1998 > MNRAS, 297, L37), one can notice 3 different slopes. We believe that the > first one is due to the contraction of the common envelope, the second > might be related with the decay in the white dwarf light and the third > should be connected with the accretion disc. I think the second phase is what is called the "nebular phase". The light from nebular lines ([O III] etc.) largely contribute to the visual flux during this stage. According to my old measurement on Nova Cyg 1992, approx. 50% of the visual light came from the [O III] lines. This, of course, reflects the UV radiation from the cooling white dwarf, as Dr. Retter mentioned. Has anyone got spectroscopy of Nova Oph 1998 recently? Regards, Taichi Kato