Regarding USNO-based magnitudes: Berto Monard wrote: > the USNO charts: as I said it's often the only reference some of us have, > just wondering about their photometric accuracy... This is true for us for most northern fields, too. From my experience on several fields, USNO A1.0-derived magnitudes are at least as accurate (as inaccurate ..) as GSC magnitudes. If we are using GSC magnitudes as temporary standards, there seems to be no reason to reject USNO-derived magnitudes. Sounthern USNO fields sometimes look less accurately calibrated than northern fields (some fields have all stars having color index greater than +5, or some stars may have b-r = -2). Disregarding these "anomalies", USNO-derived magnitudes can be used for observations under similar cautions as in using GSC. Regards, Taichi Kato