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[vsnet-chat 652] V798 Cyg sequence by Kim and Joner

     In a recent paper, Kim and Joner (1997 PASP 109, 951) provide Stromgren
four-color and H-beta photometry of the dwarf Cepheid V798 Cygni along with
similar data for eight stars in the nearby field.  A chart is given to identify
the stars, but neither the field size nor positions or IDs are supplied.  The
table below shows GSC names and positions along with the four-color photometry
summarized from the individual data points in the paper.  Most of the stars
were observed a couple of times on each of two nights.  The per-observation
standard deviations are listed in the second line of each entry.  For V798 Cyg
rough photometric values for the times of maximum and minimum are shown
(derived from Table 2 in the paper).
     Although the authors make no mention of it, five of the eight comparison
stars are included in the Case LF 2 objective-prism survey (McCuskey 1950,
ApJ 112, 90).  The LF 2 names and spectral types are listed in the notes as
appropriate along with BD identifications.  The stars were observed by Kim and
Joner in order to estimate the reddening toward the variable, so having
spectral types could have aided in the search for suitable stars---although the
complete four-color indices are sufficiently diagnostic in this instance.
     The finder chart (Figure 2 in the paper) covers roughly 20'x15' at about



source:  Kim & Joner 1997, PASP 109, 951 (Sept 1997)

Name         RA  (2000)  Dec        GSC       V      b-y    m1     c1    beta

V798 Cyg  19 38 06.9  +30 54 34  2655-2929  12.26   0.27   0.15   0.97   2.76
                                            12.64   0.34   0.17   0.81   2.70
C1        19 37 44.5  +30 50 44  2655-3953  10.382  0.145  0.145  0.927  2.774
                                              .012   .011   .014   .022   .015
C2        19 37 40.4  +31 02 13  2655-0570  10.598  0.169  0.196  0.858  2.774
                                              .027   .016   .030   .028   .023
C3        19 38 40.0  +30 54 52  2655-3227   9.125  0.729  0.609  0.314  2.574
                                              .000   .004   .007   .005   .020
C4        19 38 03.2  +30 52 17  2655-1128  10.622  0.208  0.217  0.886  2.774
                                              .007   .011   .026   .041   .008
C5        19 37 40.8  +30 57 26  2655-0624  10.775  0.150  0.251  0.833  2.831
                                              .013   .012   .023   .023   .007
C6        19 38 01.1  +30 54 24  2655-0699  11.772  0.310  0.192  0.423  2.638
                                              .010   .012   .014   .037   .009
C7        19 38 26.2  +30 56 21  2655-0039  12.122  0.280  0.164  0.593  2.684
                                              .010   .009   .012   .026   .016
C8        19 37 48.9  +30 55 59  2655-3473  12.481  0.333  0.166  0.360  2.661
                                              .019   .015   .025   .038   .033


C1   BD+30 3665 = LF 2 +30 256 (A2). n=22.
C2   BD+30 3663 = LF 2 +30 254 (A3). n=5.
C3   BD+30 3674 = LF 2 +30 290 (K2III). n=2, one night.
C4   LF 2 +30 266 (A3mF2). n=5.
C5   LF 2 +30 255 (A0). n=6.
C6   n=3, one night.
C7   n=7.
C8   n=8.

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