Dear VSNETers, V4745 Sgr has stared its 3-d major re-brightening since its nova-outburst on Apr, 10. Similarly as during the second major re-brightening, low amplitude (0.02 -0.05) modulation with period ~0.2 (>=0.1 tonight?) is clearly visible on the rising branch (some traces of it are also visible on the descending branch and before the third onset). At this point resemblance to the dwarf novae is striking and one plausible explanation is that (for the first time?) we see disk-instability induced outbursts overlaid on the declining branch of the nova light curve. Continuous photometric monitoring would be required to investigate hump period and its variation, as well as time resolved spectroscopy would be of great importance. ASAS data for V4745 (light curve + zoomed parts) area available at: Regards, Grzegorz Pojmanski, ASAS
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