WZ Sge: already fading from the fourth rebrightening, message from J. Pietz We have received the following message and data from J. Pietz: Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 01:19:55 +0200 (MEST) From: Jochen.Pietz@t-online.de (Jochen Pietz) Subject: WZ Sge: first results of run 27 below the first results from run 27, indicating that WZ Sge is already fading from the rebrightening. In addition short-time variations with an amplitude up to 0.1-0.15 mag are visible (3 dips per cycle with a time distance of ca. 0.02 days corresponding to \sim 0.057/3 days ). I will try to get some additional data for a more reliable analysis. Regards, Jochne Pietz