V4739 Sgr (Nova Sgr 2001-2) spectroscopic confirmation by Fujii M. Fujii (Fujii Bisei Observatory) took the spectrum of V4739 Sgr on Aug. 28.44 UT. Both H-alpha and H-beta were seen in broad emission (FWHM of the H-alpha is 4700 km/s). There was little evidence of Fe II lines, and Fujii suggested a He/N-type nova. The spectrum is given at: http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/v4739_sgr.gif Fujii also pointed out similarity of the spectrum with that of the recurrent nova U Sco during the 1999 outburst (cf. http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/u_sco.GIF) Fujii's line identifications: N III 4640A H-beta He I 5015A N II 5679A He I 5876A Na I 5892A (weak absorption) 5912A 6170A (weak, broad emission) H-alpha He I 7065A Relayed from M. Fujii.