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[vsnet-alert 2921] (fwd) SBS 1017+533 superhumps update (Pietz)

(fwd) SBS 1017+533 superhumps update (Pietz)

From: Jochen.Pietz@t-online.de (Jochen Pietz)
Subject: [vsnet-obs 20393] RE: SBS 1017+533 superhumps

In a second run ( 1999-05-01 20:45 - 1999-05-02 01:35UT, partially cloudy ) 
the humps have a amplitude of ~0.15mag. 
The lightcurve ( http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/sbs1017c.gif )
shows the combined data (shifted under the assumption of a 0.07 day period).

Jochen Pietz

On 01-May-99 Jochen Pietz wrote:
>Timeresolved CCD photometry (1999-04-30 20:30 - 1999-05-01 00:45UT, 
>unfiltered ST-6 images) revealed humps with an amplitude of 0.25mag.
>Period is about ~0.07 days.

E-Mail: Jochen Pietz <Jochen.Pietz@t-online.de>
WWW: http://home.t-online.de/home/Jochen.Pietz/
Date: 02-May-99 Time: 15:42:40

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