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[vsnet-alert 2919] Another star for NGC 2841 sequence

     While looking in the literature to see if there was additional data for
stars in the field of NGC 2841, I found a paper by Tsvetkov (1986 Perem. Zvezdy
22, 279) that shows additional photoelectric photometry for some bright stars
in the field.  There appears to be a zero-point offset in his data when
compared to both Hipparcos data and the BVRI data I gave originally (which is
from unpublished results by Corwin and Frueh).  One of the stars is suitably
placed both fairly near the galaxy and in the right magnitude range.  I give
this star below in the amended table (star "3Ts").  I have adjusted the V
magnitude by +0.08 and the B-V color by +0.03 to bring it in line with the
other stars.  The V-R color in parens is derived from the B-V color.
     For CCD observers desiring R magnitudes, simply _subtract_ V-R from V to
get R magnitudes explicitly.


Name                  RA  (2000)  Dec    s     GSC       V    B-V   V-R   V-I
NGC 2841 1          9 22 28.4  +51 00 51 G  3431-0219   8.48  1.29  0.67  1.23
NGC 2841 2          9 21 50.8  +51 00 36 G  3431-0625  11.07  0.59  0.33  0.65
NGC 2841 3Ts        9 22 34.9  +51 04 13 G  3431-0388  12.62  0.64 (0.37)
NGC 2841 3          9 21 47.3  +50 58 50 G  3431-0053  13.51  0.75  0.43  0.83
NGC 2841 4          9 21 58.2  +51 00 16 G  3431-0495  13.77  0.60  0.40  0.74
NGC 2841 5          9 22 02.3  +51 01 23 G  3431-0159  14.19  0.83  0.42  0.91
NGC 2841 147        9 22 06.8  +50 53 37 G  3431-0802  14.72  0.88

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