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[vsnet-alert 2673] CG CMa - sequence & astrometry (Sumner)

From: "Bruce Sumner" <b.sumner@bom.gov.au>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 13:38:18 +1100
Subject: [vsnet-chat 1650] CG CMa - sequence & astrometry

I have just extracted a preliminary comparison star sequence for 
CG CMa from CCD field photometry preformed by Arne Henden at 
0415 UTC last night (23 Feb) at Flagstaff Station. Note that there 
are no errors as this sequence is based only on one nights data. 

111. CG CANIS MAJORIS   (UG:)   Range: 13.716.6V
     07 04 05.2  23 45 34
     Magnitude in .dat file: 14.089V -0.081BV

ID     RA  (2000)   DEC        X    Y  N    V     BV       

1    07 04 01.4  23 48 47     54  193  1  11.654  1.066    
2    07 04 13.4  23 48 06    112  152  1  11.939  1.516     
3    07 03 53.9  23 46 04    157   30  1  12.597  0.327 
4    07 03 48.0  23 42 11    238  203  1  12.950  0.474    
5    07 04 02.9  23 41 07     33  267  1  13.275  0.318    
6    07 04 01.7  23 44 40     49   54  1  13.615  0.455    
7    07 04 11.8  23 46 09     89   35  1  14.262  0.455 
8    07 04 04.9  23 44 59      5   35  1  14.439  1.041   
9    07 04 04.0  23 42 57     18  157  1  14.816  0.670    
10   07 04 14.8  23 44 50    131   44  1  15.078  0.652    
11   07 04 07.1  23 43 43     24  111  1  15.273  0.599   
12   07 04 10.9  23 43 52     77  102  1  15.958  0.880 
13   07 04 02.8  23 46 29     34   55  1  16.172  0.646   
14   07 04 03.6  23 46 11     24   37  1  16.475  0.480   
15   07 04 07.7  23 45 23     32   11  1  16.858  0.959
16   07 04 05.6  23 46 00      4   26  1  17.227  0.413 

X and Y are positive east and positive north arcsec offsets.  

Astrometry of the same CCD frame gave the following position:
	07h 04m 05.213  -23d 45" 34.11"  (2000)

and photometry gave 14.089V for the magnitude and -0.081B-V
for the colour, confirming the very blue nature of this object.

Revised photometry will be posted when it becomes available.

Bruce Sumner

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