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[vsnet-alert 2195] Re: [AAVSO-DIS] XTE J1550-564 - Brightening x-ray transient

Re: [AAVSO-DIS] XTE J1550-564 - Brightening x-ray transient

> Brightening X-Ray Transient
> 	Those of you with 'large-biceped' scopes may wish to monitor this
> object...I forward the following. If you wish to participate in the
> discovery of new and unusual stars, and have the (dark-sky) site and
> equipment capability to capture targets in the 14 and 15 mag range (or
> dimmer!), review this site for further information. Good hunting...

    I am the original sender; the message was intended for the high-energy
astronomy-sensitive VSNET community rather than CBA, but it won't matter
much.  We would love to hear from anyone the result of observations, share
all available information.  Blackhole-type X-ray transients are rather
rather events, at least to visual observers.  Roughly one in a fer years
within amatuer's telescopes.

    The object is fainter in V (around mag 16), but is bright enough to
IR-sensitive CCDs.  I'd rather recommend the following URLs, among which
the GRO J0422+32 (V518 Per) page is comprehensive in terms of time-resolved
photometry and detection of periodic modulations.

  http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/Xray/cicam.html  (CI Cam)

  Some recent X-ray transients, but faint:


Taichi Kato

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