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[vsnet-alert 2140] PQ Aql (repost)

PQ Aql (repost)

  Original message referring to PQ Aql:

Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 19:37:36 +0400
From: "Vitaliy P. Goranskiy" <goray@sai.msu.su>
Subject: [vsnet-chat 1019] PQ Aql

PQ Aql (19h 53m 06s.637, 12g 59' 00''.77, 2000 A1.0), a new UG star?

I have found that the map and all the data (excluding position)
by H.Gessner, MVS 392, 1950 are really concern to PS Aql, and erroneously
attributed to PQ Aql in GCVS. Meanwhile PQ Aql = HV 5482 itself 
may be easily identified at the position by D.Hoffleit (HB 887, 1932) 
in A1.0, because it is in outburst on POSS with B=14.8 and R=14.7. 
B-R colour suggest that it is blue and is not a Mira. The star is not 
seen on the few plates of Sternberg Institute collection with the limit 
of 17-18 mag.

So it may be interesting object as a cataclysmic variable.

Vitaly Goranskij, SAI, Moscow, Russia.

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