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[vsnet-alert 2124] Re: Faint object in Andromeda (was: Faint object in Triangulum)

Dear Colleagues,
I've had a look at the image posted at

As you can see, all the stars show a particular shape, due to a tracking
drift. I think any real stellar object in that image should appear with
that shape.  

Assuming that the suspected object is the one about 20 pixels under the
arrow, it seems to me too much regular to be a stellar object (see the
consideration above).

Best Regards,
* Gianluca Masi                           "Two things fill the soul   *
* Via Madonna de Loco, 47               with awe and reverence [...]: *
* 03023 Ceccano (FR)                     the starry sky above me and  *
* ITALY                                    the moral law within me"   * 
* email: gianmasi@fr.flashnet.it                                      *
* http://vsnet.eurolink.it/comets/                        I. Kant       *

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