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[vsnet-alert 2071] Re: V592 Her

Re: [vsnet-alert 2067] V592 Her

   V592 Her was discovered by Richter as a possible nova in 1968, later
suspected to be a dwarf nova (or a X-ray nova).

   This object has been discussed several times in VSNET:


from [vsnet-alert 89]

>   A PostScript file for V592 Her is also available (herv592.ps in the same
> directory).  This chart contains faint comparison stars down to V=17.8.
> Note that the quiescent identification by Duerbeck should be replaced by
> more recent one published in IBVS (sorry I don't remember the number).
> Our chart is based on this correct identification.  V592 Her is also
> suspected to be a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova with a very long recurrence
> time and an exceptionally large (~10 mag) outburst amplitude.  Other
> classifications, however, can not be ruled out.  Please keep a close watch.

    IBVS 293 lists the 1968 outburst observation:

      JD       mag
  2440033.50 <17 pg
       37.45 <17
       37.50 <17
       38.44  13.0
       38.45  12.5
       38.50  12.5
       39.45  12.3
       39.45  12.4
       39.45  14.0 (mpv)
       39.50  12.4
       40.46  12.4
       59.40  14.9
       60.42  14.9
       65.39  14.7
       66.41  14.8
       66.46  14.8
       66.50  14.9
       66.53  14.9
       67.41  15.0
       67.46  15.0
       67.50  14.9
       68.42  16.0
       69.49 <16.5
       69.53 <16.5

   Richter suggested the blue nature of the object, based on the comparison
between mpv and mpg measures on JD 2440039.45.

   Further outburst was discovered on photographs (IBVS 3619) taken on 1986
May 12, at mag 13.6.  The limited coverage of this 1986 outburst made the
conclusion of the outburst nature diffucult.  The star has been intensively
monitored by visual observered since.

   Observers are strongly encourage to follow the object as in the case of
AL Com and EG Cnc, both of which showed double-humped "orbital superhumps"
during the earliest stage of the outbursts.  Try continuous time-series
CCD photometry, as long as you can (take as many frames as possible), with
an exposure time of 10-20 sec depending on the instruments.  Be sure to
include an appropriate comparison star in the same field, and sure to avoid
saturation, esp. for V592 Her.

AL Com and EG Cnc:


    Looking forward to hearing your successful observations!

The VSNET chart (sorry not yet calibrated using a standard star).

  163056.37 +211658.3 2000 V592 Her   UG:          12.3-22p

frame DD55919  2400 V592 Her             V         
date 93  3 22.76523  SCALE 0.02
 531 5033 1668 0 
 1111 4685 1754 0 
 1101 27548 1568 0 
 1320 15225 1669 0 
 1684 8970 1752 0 
 2299 16663 1588 0 
 2248 17467 1700 0 
 2472 13280 1635 0 
 3367 27161 1658 0 
 5838 19003 1608 0 
 6356 20406 1438 0 
 6450 11270 1779 0 
 6550 4890 0 0 V592 Her
 8539 13114 1584 0 
 8812 8811 1491 0 
 10438 19876 1691 0 
 10610 1070 1540 0 
 10710 14790 1774 0 
 11626 3186 1523 0 
 11700 24627 1170 0 
 12084 16613 1406 0 
 12269 26265 1462 0 
 12482 20385 1375 0 
 14604 25286 1565 0 
 17229 19489 1755 0 
 17258 26046 1587 0 
 17617 9225 1654 0 
 17594 25152 1574 0 
 18044 19961 1727 0 
 17875 13447 1743 0 
 18074 8461 1750 0 
 18241 3272 1522 0 
 18409 22540 1510 0 
 18642 5060 1752 0 
  (x    y    mag sat)

  chart viewer for MS-WINDOWS:
    (in http://ftp.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/vsnet/viewers)

VSNCHT.ZIP      VSNet star charts manager for MS-Windows.
                Reads, displays, zooms and prints star charts in
                VSNet format (smaller than Postscript).
                Freeware. Version: 1.0  (May 1995)

Author: Rafael Barbera  (GEA - Grup d'Estudis Astronomics)

Where to find the latest version:  
        URL:  http://astro.gea.cesca.es/pub/charts/vsnet

McAdam's plot program on the BAAVSS home pages:
        URL: http://vsnet.telf-ast.demon.co.uk

ChtView (in Java 1.1)

also in the "Tools and Programs" section
of the VSNET Home Page: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/

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