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(fwd) SN 1994D

>From varstars-owner@nic.funet.fi Fri Mar 11 06:29:15 1994
Date: 	Thu, 10 Mar 1994 20:44:46 +0200
Message-ID: <Mar30@hoge.baba.hajime.jp>
From: granslo@argo.uio.no
To: "varstars@lists.funet.fi"@gollum.uio.no
Subject: SN 1994D - NAS.VSS Report No. 1
Status: R

       Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

OBSERVATIONS OF SUPERNOVA 1994D IN NGC 4526 - REPORT NO. 001 (1994 March 10)

1994 03 09.875  126-8:               13.4: 3  I  M316,260x *Midtskogen, O.
1994 03 09.901  134-3(;g+1;h+1)      13.7  2  I  M406,208x *Granslo, B. H.
  (Observed from Saturn Paul Observatory, Sollihoegda, Norway)
1994 03 09.932  126-8;134+1          13.3  2  I  C203,200x *Dahle, H.

Time system is Universal Time. Magnitudes are calculated from Pogson's
step method. CL = class: estimated accuracy of observation; 1 = good
(+/- 0.1 mag.), 2 = fair (+/- 0.2 mag.), 3 = poor (+/- 0.3 mag.). CD =
code: I = in-focus observation, O = out-of-focus observation. Instrument
(type, aperture in mm and magnification): C = catadioptric telescope
(SCT); M = Newtonian reflector. This report contains new (*) observa-

Comparison stars: 126 = 12.6; 134 = 13.4. The identifications and mag-
nitudes were taken from the Thompson-Bryan atlas. Observing was difficult
due to the diffuse glow from the galaxy. The supernova is located 9" west
and 7" north from the nucleus of the galaxy. The discovery announcement
appeared in IAU Circular No. 5946.

Observers: Haakon Dahle (Oslo, Norway); Bjorn H. Granslo (Fjellhamar,
Norway); Oernulf Midtskogen (Tranby, Norway).

                                                Bjorn H. Granslo
                                                Director, NAS.VSS