Representative light curves of variable stars
Mira-type variable stars
- omicron Cet (Mira)
- chi Cyg
- R Hya
- R Leo
- R Lep
Semiregular-type variable stars
- AF Cyg
- W Cyg
RV Tau-type variable stars
- R Sct
- U Mon
- AC Her
Novae and recurrent novae
- V1500 Cyg = Nova Cyg 1975
- V1974 Cyg = Nova Cyg 1992
- QV Vul = Nova Vul 1987
- RS Oph (recurrent nova)
R CrB-type stars
- R CrB
- RY Sgr
- SU Tau
Cataclysmic variables
- SS Cyg
- U Gem
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