Index to Light Curves from the VSOLJ database (1995-1999)

(by courtesy of VSOLJ)

And, Ant, Aps, Aql, Aqr, Ara, Ari, Aur, Boo, Cae, 
Cam, Cap, Car, Cas, Cen, Cep, Cet, Cha, Cir, CMa, 
CMi, Cnc, Col, Com, CrA, CrB, Crt, Cru, Crv, CVn, 
Cyg, Del, Dor, Dra, Equ, Eri, For, Gem, Gru, Her, 
Hor, Hya, Hyi, Ind, Lac, Leo, Lep, Lib, LMi, Lup, 
Lyn, Lyr, Men, Mic, Mon, Mus, Nor, Oct, Oph, Ori, 
Pav, Peg, Per, Phe, Pic, PsA, Psc, Pup, Pyx, Ret, 
Scl, Sco, Sct, Ser, Sex, Sge, Sgr, Tau, Tel, TrA, 
Tri, Tuc, UMa, UMi, Vel, Vir, Vol, Vul, 

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