V729 Sgr
R. Stubbings reported on June 7 that V729 Sgr experienced an outburst (13.2mag).
This is the first visual outburst detection of an outburst reported to
VSNET. The brightness surpasses the cataloged range (vsnet-campaign-dn
2534). According to Cieslinski et al. (2000) PASP 112, 349, this object
is known to show shallow eclipses (in quiescence). The object is also suspected
to be a Z Cam-type dwarf nova (vsnet-campaign-dn
2535, 2542).
The fading from the outburst was observed on June 11 (vsnet-campaign-dn
A fading from the outburst was reported in mid-July (vsnet-campaign-dn
2637). R. Stubbings reported that V729 Sgr experienced an outburst
(13.2mag) on July 26 (vsnet-campaign-dn
2659). The object was reported to start fading on August 1 (vsnet-campaign-dn
2666, 2673,
Another outbursts were frequently reported by R. Stubbings: a 13.5mag outburst
on August 16, a 13.2mag outburst on 29, a 14.4mag outburst on September 30.
An eclipsing Z Cam star is a rare object, and will be useful to study the
standstill mechanism with eclipses.
Other articles:
2628, 2659,