V1159 Ori: Unusual Phase Reversal of Superhumps
As reported by R. Stubbings and A. Pearce on, V1159 Ori was apparently in
superoutburst on November 23 (vsnet-campaign-dn
3050). Clear superhumps were detected by the Kyoto team on November
25 and 26 (vsnet-campaign-dn
3052). Using light curves taken by S. Kiyota, K. Torii, K. Tanabe and
the OUS team members, R. Ishioka, D. Nogami, and M. Uemura, T. Kato detected
an unusual phase reversal of the superhumps occurred on November 28; On
November 29, the strongest signal was about 0.5 phase different from the
strong superhump signal which was observed before November 28. This transition
took only several superhump cycles. These observation strongly suggests
that the early phase reversal of the superhumps, which has been first
noted in ER UMa (Kato et al., astro-ph/0211520) is a common, and possibly
unique, feature in ER UMa stars (vsnet-campaign-dn
3064). The object faded from the superoutburst
in mid-December (vsnet-campaign-dn
3096, 3115).