QZ Ser: Rare, Short Outburst in February

P. Schmeer found a rare, bright outburst (11.9mag) of QZ Her on February 4. His observation also showed it was still faint on February 3 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2088, vsnet-campaign 1281, 1283, vsnet-campaign-news 130). It has been suspected that the object is a WZ Sge-like rare object which experience an outburst once in a few years (vsnet-campaign 1282). P. Schmeer forwarded the comments by J. Thostensen, in which he noticed that the identification of QZ Ser formerly marked in the Downes live CV atlas was incorrect (see also vsnet-campaign 1288), and that the quiescent spectrum showed a strong contribution from a late-type secondary star. This indicates the orbital period is relatively long (vsnet-campaign 1285, vsnet-campaign-dn 2090). P. Schmeer reported the outburst amplitude was estimated to be 5 mag on the basis of the correct identification (vsnet-campaign 1286). The object significantly faded on February 5 and the outburst finished (vsnet-campaign-dn 2091, 2096).

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